Accidents can happen, even when companies use their best efforts to create a safe work environment. When work-related injuries occur, directing your injured employee to CNA’s Workers’ Compensation Preferred Provider Network is an important step in providing quality healthcare and controlling costs. CNA has added two innovative features within our network called Outcomes Based Network and CNA Selected Providers.
What Is the Outcomes Based Network?
The Outcomes Based Network (OBN) was developed in response to client and industry requests for a network focused on outcomes versus traditional discount and access-based networks. The OBN program is aimed at identifying workers’ compensation providers who consistently provide quality patient care with an improved overall claim result.
Who Are CNA Selected Providers?
CNA’s Workers’ Compensation Claims professionals and case managers identified providers that delivered quality medical care, as well as coordinated on a timely basis with employers on return-to-work issues. OBN and CNA Selected Providers are not separate provider networks, but are a subset of our existing broad based network. You can find CNA’s in-network, OBN medical providers and CNA Selected Providers by using the "Find a Network Provider" functionality below.
Find a Network Provider
OBN Providers are identified in Talispoint with a Torch:
= Outcomes Based Network Preferred Provider
CNA Selected Providers are identified in Talispoint with a Yellow Star:
= CNA Preferred Provider
The OBN providers will appear first in the Search Results with the CNA Selected Providers right below them, and other network providers will follow.
Our Workers’ Compensation Claims professionals look forward to partnering with you, your injured worker and medical providers to achieve improved overall claim results.