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Business Transactions: Professional Liability Fact Sheet
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Lawyers Professional Liability statistics on Business Transactions/Commercial Law: Includes sales agreements agency agreements entertainment contracts commercial transactions including financing where real estate is not the major subject.
Clients with Diminished Capacity
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As more people live longer and work longer attorneys will encounter more clients who have reached an advanced age whether they are seeking to purchase real estate sell their business pursue a personal injury claim or get married.
Watch Out for Trust and Estate Risk
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Claims against lawyers arising from trust and estate engagements are skyrocketing in both number and severity. CNA data reveals that claim frequency is 25% higher for trust and estate representations compared to other areas of practice.
MA Appeals Court Clarifies How Irrevocable Trusts
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In Practice with CNA discusses the potential challenges Wills Trusts and Estates practitioners face when a client representation involves the existence of an irrevocable trust which may influence eligibility for Medicaid.
Lawyers' Duties Regarding Legal Files After a Client's Death
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Courts uniformly have held that the attorney-client privilege survives the death of a client. Complex issues arise regarding the lawyer's duties to her former client when the personal representative seeks files that are unrelated to the administration of the estate.
Risks of Business Transactions: A Claim Study for Lawyers
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Business transactions are a staple of practice for many lawyers especially in small to midsize firms. Download this study to help recognize the most common risk that practitioners encounter.
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) Catalog
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Learn about CNA's School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) online and onsite resources to help your clients manage their exposures.
Potential Pitfalls for Lawyers Practicing in Fracking Oil Rights
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The drilling and fracking of oil and gas deposits in the Marcellus Shale region has created business opportunities for lawyers. However this has led to an increase in legal malpractice claims. Learn more about the potential pitfalls for lawyers practicing in fracking and oil rights.
Reminders & Resources for Law Firms During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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This article addresses issues that law firms should consider in order to limit their exposure to professional liability and other claims.
Wire Transfer Fraud: A Growing Threat to Law Firms
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Lawyers in any area of practice may fall victim to wire transfer fraud and must often serve as their own risk managers in managing their professional practices.
Getting a Safer Birds-Eye View: Considerations for Drones
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Drones have quickly become popular for commercial uses and offer myriad opportunities for businesses with very little up-front cost. But while the sky may be the limit for this technology's growth the rapid adoption of drone use comes with its own set of unique risks.
In this Professional Counsel®, CNA has developed this guide to assist attorneys in creating documents that will enable them to better manage their interactions with potential and actual clients.
National Accounts Brochure
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At CNA, our national Accounts team reviews each large business' specific needs and develops customized risk management and insurance solutions with meaningful capacity across Property, Casualty and Financial Lines of business.
Second Chances Abound: Opportunities for Correcting Certain Omissions and Mistakes in Tax Elections
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This edition of In Practice...with CNA addresses tax laws and regulations and risk management tips to avoid election deadlines or managing filing errors.
Contemplating Coverage
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This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses the importance of attorneys maintaining proper LPL coverage throughout their career.
This edition of Professional Counsel addresses where nontraditional legal malpractice exposures exist so attorneys may take steps to avoid the unexpected exposures.
Equipment Breakdown Brochure
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CNA's Equipment Breakdown insurance helps address financial loss due to accidental breakdown of certain machinery and equipment used in a business or office.
Family Law - Professional Liability Fact Sheet
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As an area of practice family law includes all litigation and legal services related to antenuptial and domestic relationships separation and divorce alimony and child support child custody surrogacy and adoption.
Enhancing Floor Safety: Slip Resistance Maintenance & Risk
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Slips and falls can happen anywhere. Whether it's a visitor customer or your employee what matters most is that you implement a prevention program to increase safety and reduce liability exposures.
CNA has compiled professional liability Claims data from recent years to analyze trends and provide tips for mitigating the risks associated with legal malpractice claims in Plaintiff’s Personal Injury/Property Damage.
Cyber Risk Solutions
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Anchored by more than 20 years of cyber coverage expertise, our solutions are designed for companies with two or more years of operating history.
This edition of In Practice with CNA...® emphasizes the importance of evaluating one's options and purchasing appropriate tail coverage before, and not after an attorney retires, changes firms and/or switches insurance carriers.
Declining Representation with Prospective Clients
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What can a lawyer do to politely yet firmly place the potential client on notice that no attorney-client relationship has been established yet at the same time not discourage future opportunities for representation?
Walkway Management Group
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Walkway Management Group (WMG) provides walkway testing and hazard remediation technology services and products
Epack 3 - Private Company Directors & Officers Liability
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CNA’s Private Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability insurance is designed to protect the company and the people who lead it, addressing claims arising from their decisions and actions.
Risk Control Capabilities Brochure
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An overview of available tools, services and expertise to help mitigate risk.
The Threat From Within: Theft and Fraud Inside Law Firms
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Law firms should take a proactive approach to protect themselves from the risk of theft and fraud by their own attorneys managers or support staff members. Download to learn more about how to prevent the threat of theft and fraud from within.
To Avoid or Embrace? Navigating Third Party Legal Opinions
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This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses different practices and tools lawyers should consider when offering legal opinions for third parties to help mitigate potential risk.
Accountants Professional Liability Severity Drivers
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In claims where CNA made an indemnity payment of $1,000,000 or more in the last 20 years, the following were repeated commonalities and contributing drivers to why these claims result in large payments.
Law Firms and Outsourcing: Trust but Verify
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More law firms of all types and sizes use outsourcing as a means to help them practice law and to manage their law practices. Efficiencies gained through outsourcing can lead to lower costs for clients and increased profit margins for law firms but the risks must also be contemplated.
Risk Control Recap - Top 5 Resources
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In this edition of Professional Counsel : The first step in mitigating the potential for legal malpractice claims is to understand the risk exposures encountered in the daily practice of law. The top five risk control resources for CNA-insured attorneys are provided here for your convenience.
Navigating Policy Limit Demands to Avoid Malpractice Exposure
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This edition of In Practice...with CNA addresses how settlement demands may constitute a rejection if it does not strictly comply with the terms of the demand and how an attorney should react.
Law Practice, Podcasts and the Court of Public Opinion
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This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses how it is best to for attorneys to concentrate on the fundamentals of the attorney-client relationship and acting as the advocate under the parameters of a license to practice law.
More Money More Problems
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The frequency of Alternative Litigation Financing (ALF) where a third party provides money to cash-needy claimant in exchange for a financial stake in the outcome of the case is growing rapidly. This article examines the risk exposures of ALF.
Alert: New Scam Targeting Lawyers Wiring Funds
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Lawyers should beware of a sophisticated new hacking scam the FBI refers to as Business E-mail Compromise. Lawyers in multiple states have recently reported being victimized by this scam.
How Allied Vendors Help Streamline Firm Operations
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This edition of Professional Counsel addresses CNA's Lawyers Allied Vendor Program which offers solutions to help law firms navigate some of the challenges of managing a law firm as both a client service and a business.
This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses the recent changes to Model Rule 1.16 to benefit lawyers and the public by clarifying the nature and scope of lawyers' existing due diligence obligations.
Practicing Law Without A Law Degree Is Now Permissible In WA
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Non-lawyers are now permitted to practice family law in Washington State as a result of a rule change approved by the Washington Supreme Court in 2012.
This edition of Vantage Point presents a variety of strategies intended to help healthcare settings of every type improve clinical integration following consolidation.
This edition of In Practice...with CNA examines the best practices for assisting a client who receives a Legal Hold Notice or preservation letter.
How to Handle an Ethics Grievance
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Attorneys who practice long enough may encounter the prospect of receiving a letter from a bar disciplinary office containing notice of a complaint from a client or third party.
Business Resilience for Wildfire Events
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The two main aspects of a building’s ability to resist wildfire damage are the details of the construction and the characteristics of the defensible space, a cleared area surrounding the building.
If lawyers seek to continue to practice law they must devote time and resources to instituting sound banking and trust accounting procedures and supervising the parties entrusted with the authority to handle client funds.
Advance Conflict Waivers: Use Them or Lose Them?
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"In Practice... With CNA" explains that when relying on an advance waiver, practitioners should be cognizant of the speficity of such waivers, and would be prudent to re-evaluate their scope as conflict arises.
Legal Malpractice Defendants Gain New Defense
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For litigation attorneys settling with less than all parties is a tactical decision that they often have to make with their clients. In making this decision lawyers are wise to be competent in the relevant laws and applicable judicial opinions. At common law settling with one co-defendant...
Spyware Schemes & Sticky Fingers: Reacting to Client Misconduct
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A client's past misdeeds are rarely a dealbreaker for a prospective attorney-client relationship. Every day lawyers help clients address the consequences of illegal conduct and analyze the legal aspects of questionable conduct.
Fighting the Trojan Horse
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If there is one thing keeping law firm general counsel awake at night it is the myriad of outside counsel guidelines (OCGs) that may be floating around the firm.
2023 Strategic Business Resilience Report
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CNA’s 2023 Strategic Business Resilience report was created to help leaders build a resilient culture and develop a sustained ability to endure disruptive events.
After the COVID Crisis: Restoring Safety, Morale and Trust
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The COVID-19 pandemic, the worst infectious disease outbreak in a century, has been an especially traumatic event for aging services organizations. The crisis seems to be receding, but its psychological effects linger.
We offer reliable and tailored insurance solutions for commercial real estate owners, property managers and real estate investment trusts (REITs).