Female real estate agent showing new home brochure to couple | CNA Insurance

Insurance for Real Estate Agents

Our Real Estate Agent Professional Liability insurance program offers a broad coverage form with the ability to tailor solutions to meet the needs of real estate professionals.

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CNA has been providing Real Estate Agent Professional Liability insurance since 1988 and are the exclusive E&O insurer for the National Association of Realtors REALTOR Benefits® program through our managing general underwriting (MGU) partner Victor (formerly Victor O. Schinnerer).


We are also the contracted provider of mandatory Errors & Omissions insurance by controlling all state-mandated programs that require coverage through Rice Insurance Services Company, LLC (RISC).


Our deep expertise, broad coverage form and dedicated Underwriting, Risk Control and Claims resources allow us to provide superior customer service and expertly tailored real estate agent professional liability insurance solutions.



Our insurance for real estate agents is a mutually exclusive program. Our MGU partner, Victor, distributes Real Estate E&O coverage nationwide on an open brokerage basis.


We also partner with Rice Insurance Services (RISC) in states with Mandatory Real Estate E&O programs.  Rice acts as the program administrator for group polices issued to the state Real Estate Commission. Each licensed real estate agent then pays an individual premium to be covered under the group policy



With one of the longest continuous programs serving real estate agents and professionals, we take pride in offering:     


  • Ability to write a wide variety of real estate professionals
  • Ability to write any size of firm, from solo practitioners to the largest brokerage firms
  • Online portal to quote/issue/bind small to mid-sized risks
  • Seasoned underwriting professionals with ability to write large risks
  • Dedicated Claims professionals with significant industry experience
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Resources to Manage and Reduce Risk

Our Risk Control team provides deep program-specific expertise and distinct insights to help policyholders mitigate risk and protect their bottom line.