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If lawyers seek to continue to practice law they must devote time and resources to instituting sound banking and trust accounting procedures and supervising the parties entrusted with the authority to handle client funds.
Equipment Breakdown Brochure
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CNA's Equipment Breakdown insurance helps address financial loss due to accidental breakdown of certain machinery and equipment used in a business or office.
National Accounts Brochure
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At CNA, our national Accounts team reviews each large business' specific needs and develops customized risk management and insurance solutions with meaningful capacity across Property, Casualty and Financial Lines of business.
Elderly Patients: Reduce Injury Risk by Enhancing Geriatric Care
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This edition of Vantage Point® presents claim data on the frequency, severity and financial impact of injuries to elderly inpatients.
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) Catalog
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Learn about CNA's School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) online and onsite resources to help your clients manage their exposures.
Occupational Vibration Exposure and Controls Guide
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By implementing these solutions, employers can effectively reduce workers’ exposure to vibration and mitigate the risks associated with HAVS and whole-body vibration.
Risk Management Self-Assessment Checklist for Pharmacists
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This checklist is designed to assist pharmacists and other pharmacy professionals in evaluating and modifying their current customs and practices.
Pediatric Acute Care: A Systematic Approach to Error Reduction
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This edition of Vantage Point® offers strategies to help pediatricians hospitalists nurses and other healthcare providers and administrators identify major sources of harm prevent common pediatric safety lapses and recognize critical situations.
Alarm-free Environments: Guidelines for a Safe Smooth Transition
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This edition of Alert Bulletin® is designed to aid leaders in reviewing and updating policy in this area focusing on five key steps in the decision-making process.
This Professional Counsel® shows that by embracing succession planning as a strategic imperative, firms can position themselves for growth, resilience, preparedness for unforeseen events, and continued excellence in serving their clients.
Accountants Professional Liability Severity Drivers
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In claims where CNA made an indemnity payment of $1,000,000 or more in the last 20 years, the following were repeated commonalities and contributing drivers to why these claims result in large payments.
Businesses known for quality aim for continuous improvement and have formal Quality Management Systems in place.
Business Transactions: Professional Liability Fact Sheet
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Lawyers Professional Liability statistics on Business Transactions/Commercial Law: Includes sales agreements agency agreements entertainment contracts commercial transactions including financing where real estate is not the major subject.
Home Healthcare Hazards: Reducing Exposure
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This edition of Home Care Briefing examines the home healthcare hazards compromise client care and subject workers to more frequent and severe injuries as compared to other providers who work in more controlled healthcare settings.
Trustees and Investing: Best Practices to Avoid Liability
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The responsibility of being a trustee carries with it multiple duties. This article includes a list of the most common trustee duties.
Cybersecurity: Protect Patients by Preventing Data Breaches
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This inBrief explains how every healthcare facility must be vigilant in guarding against data breaches and system infiltrations, which can endanger both patient confidentiality and safety.
This edition of AlertBulletin® examines causes and effects of social inflation, how insurance can be affected, and offers several risk mitigation strategies to minimize exposure to social inflation.
This edition of CareFully Speaking® examines the two major components of the IMPACT Act: clinical assessment data collection parameters and standardized quality and resource use reporting measures.
Violence Prevention in a Home Healthcare
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This edition of Home Care Briefing reviews violence prevention in the home healthcare setting as well as risk management recommendations to mitigate risks.
Enhancing Floor Safety: Slip Resistance Maintenance & Risk
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Slips and falls can happen anywhere. Whether it's a visitor customer or your employee what matters most is that you implement a prevention program to increase safety and reduce liability exposures.
The Threat From Within: Theft and Fraud Inside Law Firms
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Law firms should take a proactive approach to protect themselves from the risk of theft and fraud by their own attorneys managers or support staff members. Download to learn more about how to prevent the threat of theft and fraud from within.
Diagnostic Error: Common Causes, Effective Countermeasures
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To help facilities and providers prevent incidents related to diagnostic inaccuracies and minimize consequent liability, this issue of inBrief examines common sources of error and presents strategies designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy.
Risks of Business Transactions: A Claim Study for Lawyers
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Business transactions are a staple of practice for many lawyers especially in small to midsize firms. Download this study to help recognize the most common risk that practitioners encounter.
Medication Drop Boxes: Crafting a Safe Drug Take-back Program
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This Alert Bulletin® offers guidelines designed to make drug take-back programs both safer and more efficient focusing on basic rules and policies pilferage and tampering prevention and complaint collection and disposal practices.
Electrical Preventive Maintenance and Inspection
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Electrical equipment is usually well designed and properly installed. However, the principal reason for electrical system breakdown is the failure to maintain the installation in its designed state.
Telemedicine: A Brief Guide to the Emerging Risks of Remote Care
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Telemedicine is one aspect of the broader practice of telehealth which encompasses a range of clinical services.
At a time when patient expectations are greater than ever organizations that approve privileges without fully verifying an applicants qualifications risk lawsuit alleging negligent credentialing practices. Download to learn about the impact of these claims on hospitals and medical centers.
Patient Noncompliance: Better Communication Means Lower Risk
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Patient noncompliance including missed appointments cancelled procedures rejection of prescribed therapies frequent changing of providers and unbought or unused medications can contribute to patient injury in every type of healthcare setting.
Wandering and Elopement: Assessing and Addressing the Risks
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In this edition of Carefully Speaking : Wandering and elopement are among the most serious and costly hazards for aging services organizations.
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE®)
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Access world-class training and resources that can help minimize exposures and complement your risk management practices. CNA’s SORCE® On Demand training gives you 24/7 access to our collection of risk control courses.
The Driver: Understanding Driver Distractions
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In 2020, almost 3,000 fatal and 205,000 nonfatal distraction-related motor vehicle accidents occurred in the United States and in some parts of Canada, surpassing those caused by impaired driving.
Conflict of Interest Issues in Representing the Company/Employee
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Times arise particularly in litigation where a lawyer for an entity might find it useful to represent an employee or other constituent of the entity for some limited purpose. This dual representation of an entity and its constituent raises a number of practice issues.
Cyber Risk Solutions
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Anchored by more than 20 years of cyber coverage expertise, our solutions are designed for companies with two or more years of operating history.
Product and Service Selection
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As you explore new options for products and services, there are things to consider to help you identify potential exposures
Billing Blues: Best Business Practices for Fee Collection
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As attorneys we routinely litigate arbitrate and negotiate on behalf of our clients. With regularity we analyze synthesize and scrutinize certain facts precedent and regulations. Managing accounts receivable however seems to befuddle the best of us.
Healthcare Claims Capabilities
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CNA's Healthcare Claims professionals use experience from the medical and legal professions to provide superior technical expertise and outstanding customer service.
Next Generation Settings: Satisfying the Needs of Active Seniors
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This edition of AlertBulletin® offers strategies to help aging services operators differentiate and reinvent themselves.
Resident Patient Handling: Creating Effective Safety Program
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This edition of AlertBulletin® examines the issue of manual lifting and handling techniques are a major source of risk for healthcare organizations.
This edition of AlertBulletin is designed to help facilities protect transgender patients and themselves by understanding regulatory requirements and liability exposures.
Transgender Residents: Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere
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This issue of Alert Bulletin® focuses on aging services settings indicating potential problems in caring for transgender residents and suggesting measures to reduce risk in such areas as staff policies and training marketing admissions and social/recreational programming.
Creating a File Retention and Destruction Policy
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Lawyers and law firms must manage an increasing amount of data both physical and digital over a vast array of evolving devices and media. Download CNA's PROfessional Counsel guide to learn more about how to implement a Records Management Plan (RMP).
For Your Eyes Only: Securing Lawyer-Client Communications
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While acceptable response times were once measured in days modern communication channels have clients counting the hours or even minutes since they sent their email or text. File sharing also has accelerated with clients able to review revise and approve documents instantly.
Product Quality Supply Chain Tips for Success
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Companies use various strategies to execute a supply chain control plan. Internally managing the plan allows for continuous monitoring, making adjustments and implementing improvements.
Driver Distraction and Cell Phone Use
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Use this guide to assist in developing a program that helps enhance driver behaviors and reduce cell phone-related distractions, such as talking and texting.
Hygiene Controls in the Workplace
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This guide will help identify appropriate resources for cleaning, sanitizing and maintaining a safe, healthy work environment
Residents with Serious Mental Illness: Addressing Common Risks
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This month's Carefully Speaking® outlines strategies that can help administrators enhance quality of care, reduce liability exposure, and help mental health residents achieve a more secure and stable existence.
Lawyers Professional Liability Policy Highlights
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CNA is the nation's leading underwriter of Lawyers Professional Liability and Federal and State Judges Professional Liability coverage.
Lawyers Professional Liability Risk Control
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With more than 60 years of experience providing lawyers professional liability insurance, CNA offers a broad range of insurance products and solutions through its Underwriting, Claims and Risk Control teams.
To Avoid or Embrace? Navigating Third Party Legal Opinions
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This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses different practices and tools lawyers should consider when offering legal opinions for third parties to help mitigate potential risk.
Device and Drug Recalls: Enhancing Preparedness Reducing Risk
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This edition of inBrief presents a self-assessment guide to help healthcare facilities evaluate their degree of readiness for negotiating recall situations.