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Ergonomics Solutions for the Construction Trades
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Injury risk is managed proactively when work is designed with considerations for efficiency and employee capabilities. This results in a larger percentage of the workforce performing work tasks safely.
Motion is Money® Construction
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CNA’s Motion is Money® provides strategies and solutions to enhance your workers’ productivity and reduce risk factors. Motion is Money® uses a simple approach to identifying inefficient processes and improving them.
Business Resilience for Wildfire Events
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The two main aspects of a building’s ability to resist wildfire damage are the details of the construction and the characteristics of the defensible space, a cleared area surrounding the building.
Risk Transfer Mechanisms for Contractors
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Risk Control Bulletin : Many firms frequently contract with other firms to provide services or perform some type of construction work. In the event of an accident risk transfer mechanisms can prove invaluable. Download to learn more.
Protecting Against Heat Stress
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Workers performing physical labor in industries such as foundries, laundries, construction, manufacturing and landscape operations are often exposed to hazardous heat conditions that can have severe health and safety outcomes.
Collect with Caution
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The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act's constructive intent has resulted in unintended consequences that create exposures for attorneys who may not be conversant with its ramifications. This article focuses on the issues surrounding the Act that are most likely to affect attorneys.
Resuming Operations Safely for Construction and Manufacturing
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Resuming operations after a shutdown isn't as simple as pressing a button.
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) Catalog
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Learn about CNA's School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) online and onsite resources to help your clients manage their exposures.
New York State Labor Law
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If you own or lease space within a property in New York City, it is vital to understand where your responsibilities lie when it comes to sidewalk maintenance.
Subcontractor Prequalification Guide
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When developing a prequalification form or application the hiring contractor should consider the following.
Fall Prevention Guide
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Take steps to reduce fall exposures and associated costs.
Occupational Vibration Exposure and Controls Guide
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By implementing these solutions, employers can effectively reduce workers’ exposure to vibration and mitigate the risks associated with HAVS and whole-body vibration.
Sun Exposures for Contractors
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It is important to take steps to stay cool and protect yourself and employees from overexposure.
CERTA - NRCA Certified Roofing Torch Applicator Program
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Since the implementation of the CERTA Program, CNA has helped roofing contractors save over $12 million in potential incurred claims.
Ergonomics Consulting Services
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Our team has the capabilities to serve as a resource for program development and provide collaborative consultation to develop effective solutions that address ergonomics risks.
New Employee Orientation
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Organizations are continuously hiring new employees. This series of brief virtual learning SORCE modules (under 15 minutes each) provides new employees with basic safety and hazard awareness in the workplace.
Motion Is Money
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Much can be done to significantly reduce exposures that occur in a distribution operation. Download for an overview of Motion is Money a process of small changes that affect your organization's productivity efficiency and quality and in result affect your bottom line as well as reduce risk.
CNA Surety's Capabilities and Offerings
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When you need a surety provider with capacity, experience and dedication to servicing a full range of bonding needs, we're ready.
Cybersecurity: Protect Patients by Preventing Data Breaches
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This inBrief explains how every healthcare facility must be vigilant in guarding against data breaches and system infiltrations, which can endanger both patient confidentiality and safety.
Risk Control Capabilities Brochure
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An overview of available tools, services and expertise to help mitigate risk.
Risk Control Global Solutions
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Working closely with agents and policyholders, CNA’s Risk Control team helps identify exposures and provide solutions to mitigate loss.
Use this guide to help quantify your facilities’ freeze risk and to implement preventative measures to keep your key fire protection systems operating as intended during the cold weather months.
International Solutions Success Stories
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This document touches on successes CNA has had in ten different locations around the world.
2022 Strategic Business Resilience Report
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Strategic Business Resilience Report: Position your organization to endure and thrive through adverse business conditions.
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE®)
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Access world-class training and resources that can help minimize exposures and complement your risk management practices. CNA’s SORCE® On Demand training gives you 24/7 access to our collection of risk control courses.
Silica Exposure
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OSHA estimates that the new silica standard, — enforcement began September 2017 — will save over 600 lives and prevent more than 900 new cases of Silicosis, lung cancer, COPD and kidney disease caused by silica exposures each year.
Damage Prevention Guidelines: Excavation Procedures
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Learn risk mitigating excavation procedures for underground facilities.
Adverse Event Review: Enhancing Analysis, Safeguarding Data
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This edition of AlertBulletin® highlights adverse event management as a pillar of risk management and quality improvement efforts.
Cyber Risk Solutions
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Anchored by more than 20 years of cyber coverage expertise, our solutions are designed for companies with two or more years of operating history.
Ergonomics for Manual Material Handling
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Strategies to help improve common workplace material handling tasks.
Getting Material Off The Floor
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Keeping material on the floor or ground can lead to operational inefficiencies along with risk factors associated with workers bending to the floor. Download this bulletin and learn ways to increase efficiency of workplace operations.
Epack 3 - Private Company Directors & Officers Liability
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CNA’s Private Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability insurance is designed to protect the company and the people who lead it, addressing claims arising from their decisions and actions.
New York City Sidewalk Law
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If you own or lease space within a property in New York City, it is vital to understand where your responsibilities lie when it comes to sidewalk maintenance.
Improving Work Conditions and Safety in the Roofing Industry
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This guide provides an overview of high-injury risk exposures and challenges related to process efficiency and discusses potential solutions.
Enhancing Floor Safety: Slip Resistance Maintenance & Risk
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Slips and falls can happen anywhere. Whether it's a visitor customer or your employee what matters most is that you implement a prevention program to increase safety and reduce liability exposures.
2023 Strategic Business Resilience Report
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CNA’s 2023 Strategic Business Resilience report was created to help leaders build a resilient culture and develop a sustained ability to endure disruptive events.
Negotiated Risk Agreements: When and How Should They Be Used?
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Negotiated risk agreements (NRAs) have become an increasingly popular means of managing potential liability while accommodating resident preferences.
Water Damage: Prepare, Respond, Improve
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This checklist provides considerations business leaders can take before, during and after a water damage incident to improve business resilience
Client Noncompliance: Checklist to Help Strengthen Communication
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This edition of Home Care Briefing addresses that clear communication and comprehensive and factual documentation are critical to minimizing noncompliance as well as limiting the impact of recalcitrant client behavior.
Management Liability Claims Scenarios
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When claims occur, our experienced Claims professionals understand the nuances of management liability and use industry-leading technical expertise to deliver outstanding customer service.
Epack 3 - Employment Practices Liability
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CNA’s Epack 3 Employment Practices Liability (EPL) insurance coverage helps shield businesses, business owners and employees against loss from claims alleging wrongful employment practices.
By continuously monitoring vital signs, motion patterns and environmental conditions, wearable devices provide early warning signals, facilitate emergency response and support post-incident analysis for preventive measures.
This AlertBulletin® examines risk exposures associated with electronic media use and offers general policy recommendations for the workplace environment.
Equipment Breakdown Brochure
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CNA's Equipment Breakdown insurance helps address financial loss due to accidental breakdown of certain machinery and equipment used in a business or office.
Hot Work
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The purpose of a hot work program is to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent a fire from non-routine work involving open flames, sparks or heat.
Patient Noncompliance: Better Communication Means Lower Risk
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Patient noncompliance including missed appointments cancelled procedures rejection of prescribed therapies frequent changing of providers and unbought or unused medications can contribute to patient injury in every type of healthcare setting.
Getting a Safer Birds-Eye View: Considerations for Drones
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Drones have quickly become popular for commercial uses and offer myriad opportunities for businesses with very little up-front cost. But while the sky may be the limit for this technology's growth the rapid adoption of drone use comes with its own set of unique risks.
Stopping the Line: Training Staff to Speak Up for Safety
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This edition of inBrief® featured a readiness checklist designed to aid ambulatory care organizations in implementing a Speak Up/Stop the Line program or enhancing an existing one.
How to Handle an Ethics Grievance
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Attorneys who practice long enough may encounter the prospect of receiving a letter from a bar disciplinary office containing notice of a complaint from a client or third party.
Low Voltage Busway Systems
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The focus of this bulletin is the discussion/identification of failure mechanisms common to busway and the periodic maintenance and testing that will either prevent or minimize the possibility of electrical faulting of electrical busway.