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Slip and Fall Guidance

No matter the industry or line of work, a slip or fall can happen to anyone at any time. Slip and fall injuries are a rising concern for businesses today as they can impact workers' compensation and general liability policies. That's why it's important to build a prevention plan that reduces risks and maximizes safety. Download the Slip and Fall Prevention Consulting Services sell sheet.



Risk Awareness & Control Measures for Indoor Walking Surfaces
Foundational information on human walking, flooring design considerations, lighting glare and an overview of maintenance protocols.

Tribometry Slip-Resistance Testing
Learn how the slip resistance of your walking surfaces is measured.

Indoor Stairs and Ramps
Learn about primary causes of slips and falls on stairs and ramps, standard design measurements, and control considerations.

Floor Mat Programs
A floor mat program controls water, debris, and other slippery contaminations on hard surface walking areas that may cause falls.

Slip Resistant Footwear
Guide for using specialty footwear when walking surface slip resistance cannot be improved.

Walkway Management Group
Walkway Management Group (WMG) provides walkway testing and hazard remediation technology services and products.


Flooring Selection
Selecting the proper flooring is advantageous to controlling slips and falls. Consider and compare slip resistance, chemical resistance, durability, and care and maintenance factors.

Floor Cleaning and Maintenance
Understand how a formal cleaning and maintenance program improves slip resistance.

Daily Floor Maintenance Log
Use this Daily Floor Maintenance Log to document cleaning types and completed times.

Understanding Floor Maintenance Contractors
This guide outlines items to consider when hiring a floor maintenance contractor.

Controlling Wet and Slippery Floors
Considerations for handling or preventing wet floor conditions.

Walkway Management Group offers a nano-ceramic floor sealant designed to increase flooring lifespan, appearance, and anti-slip properties.

Indoor Walkway Safety Audit Checklist
Use this checklist to document a wide range of walking surface conditions and direct the need for repairs and maintenance.


Outdoor Walking Surfaces
Explore potential outdoor surface slip and fall conditions, ranging from parking lots and sidewalks to patios and decks.

Outdoor Walkway Safety Audit Checklist
Use this checklist to document a wide range of walking surface conditions and direct the need for repairs and maintenance.

Risk Awareness and Responsible Walking on Icy Surfaces
Proper walking techniques, awareness, and footwear prevent falls on icy surfaces.

Snow and Ice Maintenance Program
Develop a plan for maintaining surfaces affected by snow and ice. Consider snow placement, treatments, refreeze prevention, and contractual considerations.

Snow and Ice Maintenance Log
Today’s legal climate necessitates thorough documentation of snow and ice maintenance.


Recognizing Suspect or Fraudulent Slip & Fall Claims
Be alert for “red flags” when investigating a slip and fall incident.

Slip and Fall Incident Investigations
Have a plan for investigating slip and fall incidents, including controlling the scene, collecting facts, determining causes, taking corrective measures, and reporting to CNA.

General Liability Slip and Fall Incident Investigation Report
Slips and falls involving the public are a significant general liability exposure to building owners and/or tenants. Complete a well-documented investigation using this form.

Slip and Fall Incident Reporting
Everything you need to report slip and fall claims to CNA.

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