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Self-Reporting Technology
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CNA's Risk Control team is introducing a streamlined method of gathering underwriting information. Now, select CNA policyholders can complete a risk control engagement using our time-saving technology.
Water Damage Technology Solutions
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Here are ways you can leverage technology to minimize the impact and maximize the effectiveness of your water damage mitigation programs.
Walkway Management Group
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Walkway Management Group (WMG) provides walkway testing and hazard remediation technology services and products
Smartphones and Social Media: Tips on Preventing Staff Misuse
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This edition of Alertbulletin® examines three major types of liability - privacy breaches, unauthorized social media posting and data spoliation claims - that may arise from unapproved technology use in the residential care setting.
Artificial Intelligence: Examining Five Key Sources of Liability
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) a term encompassing such concepts as machine learning pattern recognition natural language processing robotics and neural networks designed to replicate human thought processes has become a driving force within the healthcare information technology field.
Getting a Safer Birds-Eye View: Considerations for Drones
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Drones have quickly become popular for commercial uses and offer myriad opportunities for businesses with very little up-front cost. But while the sky may be the limit for this technology's growth the rapid adoption of drone use comes with its own set of unique risks.
Phishing Attacks Use Bar Complaints and HIPAA Audits as Bait
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Attorneys have access to sensitive information and large sums of money, and although they are experts in many areas, they are seldom on the cutting edge of technology. It should come as no surprise, then, that a growing number of email scams are targeting attorneys and other similar professionals.
CNA’s dedicated Risk Control team helps policyholders identify exposures before they become claims – using cutting-edge technology and deep insurance expertise.
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) Catalog
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Learn about CNA's School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) online and onsite resources to help your clients manage their exposures.
Evolving Models of Care: New Delivery Methods Present New Risks
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This edition of Vantage Point® identifies the elements of new healthcare delivery methods, describes the benefits and risks of these innovations, and suggests strategies designed to protect patients/residents and reduce liability exposure.
Carefully Speaking®: New Models of Care: A Look at Five Aging Services Trends and Challenges
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This edition of Carefully Speaking ®focuses on five trends - from artificial intelligence (AI) to higher resident acuity levels, to shifting care and reimbursement models - that are shaping the aging services industry of the future.
This edition of Professional Counsel emphasizes how attorneys must be aware of how the use of ChatGPT would impact their practice, client matters and ethical concerns that may lead to allegations of legal malpractice.
Cybersecurity: Protect Patients by Preventing Data Breaches
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This inBrief explains how every healthcare facility must be vigilant in guarding against data breaches and system infiltrations, which can endanger both patient confidentiality and safety.
Cyber Risk Solutions
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Anchored by more than 20 years of cyber coverage expertise, our solutions are designed for companies with two or more years of operating history.
Best Practice Tips for Remote Appearances
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As we approach a second year of remote law practice this is a good time to pause and reflect on what works and what doesn't work. While we are becoming comfortable in this new normal the circumstances have raised a number of practical and ethical concerns for attorneys.
2023 Strategic Business Resilience Report
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CNA’s 2023 Strategic Business Resilience report was created to help leaders build a resilient culture and develop a sustained ability to endure disruptive events.
Telemedicine: A Brief Guide to the Emerging Risks of Remote Care
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Telemedicine is one aspect of the broader practice of telehealth which encompasses a range of clinical services.
Next Generation Settings: Satisfying the Needs of Active Seniors
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This edition of AlertBulletin® offers strategies to help aging services operators differentiate and reinvent themselves.
Risk Control Capabilities Brochure
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An overview of available tools, services and expertise to help mitigate risk.
This edition of Professional Counsel® delves into the ethical considerations attorneys must contemplate when accepting cryptocurrency as payment for legal services.
Practicing Law in the Age of Social Media
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The influence of social media on legal practice client relationships and the boundaries between professional and personal activities must be scrupulously navigated.
Telemedicine: Risk Management Issues Strategies and Resources
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This edition of Healthcare Perspective outlines strategies designed to enhance clinical operational and technical processes associated with the provision of telemedicine/telehealth (TMH).
Multi-generational Communication
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This edition of AlertBulletin® examines the issue of age-related diversity in a healthcare context. It offers three basic strategies designed to keep a multi-generational workforce informed connected and engaged.
The Importance of Incident Response Planning: A Cyber Risk Control Perspective for Law Firms
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Having a well-documented Incident Response Plan can greatly mitigate exposure in the event of a cyberattack.
How You Can Stay Ethical and Help Clients Communicate Effectively on Social Media During Disputes
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This edition of In Practice...with CNA addresses social media communications and the difficulties that come with social media practices during disputes.
Idle or Vacant Facilities
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Vacant and idle facilities present a higher level of exposure for fire, theft and vandalism, water damage and many other perils.
Telemedicine Update: Coordinating Remote and In-person Care
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This edition of Vantage Point® discusses how telemedicine misuse can be mitigated by implementing policies to address the risks posed by remote care, as well as modifying their procedures to better coordinate virtual and in-person modes of care.
AlertBulletin: Clinical Use of Smartphones: Ten Major Risks
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This issue examines 10 of the most common and potentially serious risks associated with the use of personal mobile devices in the healthcare setting and offers suggestions designed to mitigate these exposures.
Remote Patient Monitoring: Five Basic Risk-reduction Strategies
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This edition of AlertBulletin® focuses on five risk control strategies to help healthcare organizations and provider protect themselves against RPM-related liabilities.
This AlertBulletin® examines risk exposures associated with electronic media use and offers general policy recommendations for the workplace environment.
International Solutions Success Stories
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This document touches on successes CNA has had in ten different locations around the world.
How Allied Vendors Help Streamline Firm Operations
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This edition of Professional Counsel addresses CNA's Lawyers Allied Vendor Program which offers solutions to help law firms navigate some of the challenges of managing a law firm as both a client service and a business.
Social Media Liability: Effective Strategies to Minimize Risk
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This edition of AlertBulletin offers practical strategies to help organizations obtain the advantages of social media while mitigating associated risks.
Risk Management Strategies for Athletic Trainers
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This resource presents an examination and discussion of current and emerging liability exposures confronting athletic training professionals.
COVID-19: Achieving Recovery Through Risk Management
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This Special Resource serves as a reference for healthcare organizations seeking to evaluate risk exposures associated with COVID-19.
By continuously monitoring vital signs, motion patterns and environmental conditions, wearable devices provide early warning signals, facilitate emergency response and support post-incident analysis for preventive measures.
Risk Control Virtual Capabilities and Digital Solutions
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Our innovative resources can help insureds save time and avoid costly claims by identifying and addressing hidden exposures.
This resource examines three major EMR-related issues and suggests countermeasures to protect patients and minimize liability exposures.
Water Damage Incident Response Guide
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Responding to water damage incidents is similar – every minute of delay increases the risk of property damage and an extended business disruption
Ridesharing Services: Healthcare Risk Management Perspective
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This edition of AlertBulletin examines ridesharing related risks within the healthcare context and offers guidelines to help ensure that patients and aging services facility residents are transported in a safe reliable manner.
Driver Performance Solutions
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Driver behavior affects your commercial auto fleet's performance and your bottom line every trip every day. However not every business gives this critical safety topic the attention it deserves and that can lead to costly liability claims.
Epack 3 - Crime
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Our Epack 3 (EP3) policy was designed to provide clear solutions for complex management liability risks, with compartmentalized coverage options that work together and don't overlap.
Product Quality Supply Chain Tips for Success
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Companies use various strategies to execute a supply chain control plan. Internally managing the plan allows for continuous monitoring, making adjustments and implementing improvements.
2022 Strategic Business Resilience Report
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Strategic Business Resilience Report: Position your organization to endure and thrive through adverse business conditions.
Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19: A Menu of Ideas for Lawyers
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Few attorneys were prepared to adapt to a pandemic. In today's environment lawyers have been required to chart a changing course in order to provide competent legal services to their clients. This information is intended to identify some potential effects of the pandemic on the legal profession.
Photographic Wound Documentation: Ten Guidelines to Help Minimize Digital Imaging Exposures
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This AlertBulletin® is intended to help reduce risk for those organizations engaged in wound photography by standardizing their digital imaging practices.
Medication Safety: Strategies for Reducing Ambulatory Risk
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Medication errors can ocurr in an ambulatory care setting with serious and sometimes fatal consequences.
Equipment and Systems Outage
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Here are some tips to help your business reduce the risk of equipment problems at every stage: before an outage, during the outage and as you restore operations afterward.
This edition of Professional Counsel addresses where nontraditional legal malpractice exposures exist so attorneys may take steps to avoid the unexpected exposures.
National Accounts Brochure
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At CNA, our national Accounts team reviews each large business' specific needs and develops customized risk management and insurance solutions with meaningful capacity across Property, Casualty and Financial Lines of business.