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Driver Performance Solutions
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Driver behavior affects your commercial auto fleet's performance and your bottom line every trip every day. However not every business gives this critical safety topic the attention it deserves and that can lead to costly liability claims.
Hired and Non-Owned Auto Exposures
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An employee using their personal vehicle or hired (rental) vehicle to conduct business activities for their employer under the approval and/or knowledge of the employer constitutes H/NOA exposure.
Equipment Breakdown Brochure
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CNA's Equipment Breakdown insurance helps address financial loss due to accidental breakdown of certain machinery and equipment used in a business or office.
Epack 3 - Fiduciary Liability
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CNA’s Epack 3 (EP3) Fiduciary Liability insurance is designed to address exposures arising from the administration and management of employee benefit and retirement plans.
Risk Control Capabilities Brochure
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An overview of available tools, services and expertise to help mitigate risk.
Risk Control Global Solutions
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Working closely with agents and policyholders, CNA’s Risk Control team helps identify exposures and provide solutions to mitigate loss.
Recognizing and Managing Your Organization's Shipping Risks
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It is recommended that due diligence be exercised when identifying and selecting third-party transport carriers to hire.
How Allied Vendors Help Streamline Firm Operations
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This edition of Professional Counsel addresses CNA's Lawyers Allied Vendor Program which offers solutions to help law firms navigate some of the challenges of managing a law firm as both a client service and a business.
Spyware Schemes & Sticky Fingers: Reacting to Client Misconduct
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A client's past misdeeds are rarely a dealbreaker for a prospective attorney-client relationship. Every day lawyers help clients address the consequences of illegal conduct and analyze the legal aspects of questionable conduct.
Aging Services Claims Report 2016
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CNA's ninth in a series of aging services claim reports reveals that a focus on a compassionate resident-centric culture as a key characteristic of high-performing organizations. Learn more about the major risks and stories from the field from the 2016 Aging Services Claim Study.
When a business requires commercial vehicles, we have Commercial Auto insurance and responsive service to keep them moving forward.
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