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Elements of a Products Liability Risk Control Program
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When a business uses a new material supplier, production process, or design, or expands its customer base or product line, a formal Products Liability Risk Control Program can help mitigate unexpected risks and exposures.
This edition of AlertBulletin offers practical suggestions intended to help organizations maximize the productivity of temporary exmployees, while minimizing associated professional liability exposures.
Lawyers Professional Liability Risk Control
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With more than 60 years of experience providing lawyers professional liability insurance, CNA offers a broad range of insurance products and solutions through its Underwriting, Claims and Risk Control teams.
Product Safety Culture
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Producing safe products should be embedded in a company’s culture and should involve everyone in the company.
Product and Service Selection
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As you explore new options for products and services, there are things to consider to help you identify potential exposures
Product Recall Planning
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The following recall plan guidance can prepare your organization to act quickly in the event of a product recall.
Epack 3 - Fiduciary Liability
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CNA’s Epack 3 (EP3) Fiduciary Liability insurance is designed to address exposures arising from the administration and management of employee benefit and retirement plans.
Lawyers Professional Liability Policy Highlights
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CNA is the nation's leading underwriter of Lawyers Professional Liability and Federal and State Judges Professional Liability coverage.
Off-label Product Use: Basic Risk Management Considerations
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This edition of inBrief suggests a range of risk management considerations and strategies relating to off-label use of FDA-approved products.
Management Liability Claims Scenarios
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When claims occur, our experienced Claims professionals understand the nuances of management liability and use industry-leading technical expertise to deliver outstanding customer service.
Epack 3 - Employment Practices Liability
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CNA’s Epack 3 Employment Practices Liability (EPL) insurance coverage helps shield businesses, business owners and employees against loss from claims alleging wrongful employment practices.
Epack 3 - Private Company Directors & Officers Liability
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CNA’s Private Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability insurance is designed to protect the company and the people who lead it, addressing claims arising from their decisions and actions.
Counselor Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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This report will help counselors enhance their practice and minimize professional liability exposure by identifying loss patterns and trends.
Nurse Professional Liability Exposure Claim Report: 4th Edition
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In collaboration with our business partners at Nurses Service Organization (NSO) CNA is the leading professional liability insurer of nurses. CNA and NSO are proud to offer this fourth comprehensive analysis of professional liability risks encountered by nurses.
Business Transactions: Professional Liability Fact Sheet
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Lawyers Professional Liability statistics on Business Transactions/Commercial Law: Includes sales agreements agency agreements entertainment contracts commercial transactions including financing where real estate is not the major subject.
CNA and NSO are proud to offer this fifth comprehensive analysis of professional liability risks encountered by NPs. Our goal is to help NPs enhance their practice and minimize professional liability exposure.
Dental Professional Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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The partnership between CNA and the Dentist’s Advantage program presents our second dental closed claim report to help dentists enhance their practice and minimize professional liability.
CNA has compiled professional liability Claims data from recent years to analyze trends and provide tips for mitigating the risks associated with legal malpractice claims in Plaintiff’s Personal Injury/Property Damage.
Product Quality Supply Chain Tips for Success
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Companies use various strategies to execute a supply chain control plan. Internally managing the plan allows for continuous monitoring, making adjustments and implementing improvements.
Businesses known for quality aim for continuous improvement and have formal Quality Management Systems in place.
Risk Transfer Suggested Practices
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You may be able to reduce your chances of unknowingly accepting someone else’s liability or being exposed to additional liabilities by following the practices suggested in this guide.
Accountants Professional Liability Severity Drivers
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In claims where CNA made an indemnity payment of $1,000,000 or more in the last 20 years, the following were repeated commonalities and contributing drivers to why these claims result in large payments.
Trustees and Investing: Best Practices to Avoid Liability
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The responsibility of being a trustee carries with it multiple duties. This article includes a list of the most common trustee duties.
Contracts: Practices and Provisions to Manage Liability Risks
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Carefully written and reviewed contracts can help prevent misunderstandings in business agreements strengthen partner-ships and enhance legal defensibility in the event of litigation.
Potential Liability Issues Arising Under the AIA
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The America Invents Act (AIA) alters numerous laws affecting IP protection for a broad range of applicants and affects almost the entire range of prosecution activities. The AIA was intended to modernize the patent system and promote innovation job creation and economic growth.
Family Law - Professional Liability Fact Sheet
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As an area of practice family law includes all litigation and legal services related to antenuptial and domestic relationships separation and divorce alimony and child support child custody surrogacy and adoption.
Pharmacist Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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In collaboration with our partners at Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO) we at CNA insure more than 80000 pharmacists in a wide variety of pharmacy settings. We are pleased to present our second pharmacist closed claims report.
Risk Management Strategies for Athletic Trainers
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This resource presents an examination and discussion of current and emerging liability exposures confronting athletic training professionals.
Social Media Liability: Effective Strategies to Minimize Risk
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This edition of AlertBulletin offers practical strategies to help organizations obtain the advantages of social media while mitigating associated risks.
Negotiated Risk Agreements: When and How Should They Be Used?
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Negotiated risk agreements (NRAs) have become an increasingly popular means of managing potential liability while accommodating resident preferences.
Reminders & Resources for Law Firms During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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This article addresses issues that law firms should consider in order to limit their exposure to professional liability and other claims.
Artificial Intelligence: Examining Five Key Sources of Liability
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) a term encompassing such concepts as machine learning pattern recognition natural language processing robotics and neural networks designed to replicate human thought processes has become a driving force within the healthcare information technology field.
Nonphysician Providers: A Guide to Safer Delegation
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This edition of Vantage Point offers strategies to help administrators and providers accomplish goals to help minimize associated liability risk exposure.
This resource examines three major EMR-related issues and suggests countermeasures to protect patients and minimize liability exposures.
This edition of AlertBulletin is designed to help facilities protect transgender patients and themselves by understanding regulatory requirements and liability exposures.
Wills Trusts and Estates - Professional Liability Fact Sheet
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Legal malpractice claims arising from estate planning representations surged in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and have since continued at an elevated pace.
Epack 3 - Crime
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Our Epack 3 (EP3) policy was designed to provide clear solutions for complex management liability risks, with compartmentalized coverage options that work together and don't overlap.
Wills Trusts and Estates - Third-Party Beneficiaries Claims
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Wills trusts and estates lawyers should be concerned about liability and duties to both their own clients and third-party beneficiaries. Download to learn more about documentation and how it can be effective in client service and practice management.
Evolving Models of Care: New Delivery Methods Present New Risks
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This edition of Vantage Point® identifies the elements of new healthcare delivery methods, describes the benefits and risks of these innovations, and suggests strategies designed to protect patients/residents and reduce liability exposure.
Best Practices for Law Firms During a Pandemic
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Law firms can limit their exposure to professional liability and other claims by identifying and responding to key issues that may arise during the COVID-19 crisis.
This edition of Carefully Speaking® outlines strategies leaders can use to assess their organization's memory care strengths, limits and liability exposures.
Carefully Speaking®: Memory Care: Creating Safer Settings for the Cognitively Impaired
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This edition of Carefully Speaking® outlines strategies leaders can use to assess their organization's memory care strengths, limits and liability exposures.
This edition of Home Care Briefing examines three core elements of a home care fall-reduction program: risk assessment staff education and post-incident response.
Our third report on physical therapy risk exposures based on CNA/HPSO closed claims.
Key Considerations in Engagement Letters Usage
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As a leader in the lawyers' professional liability insurance marketplace we stress the importance of engagement letters in our articles guides and risk control courses. The benefits of engagement letter usage flow to both the law firm and client.
Our collaboration with Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO) provides valuable medication safety content designed to help healthcare professionals follow safe medication practices and keep patients safe.
Pre-admission Screening: Key to Reducing Unsafe Retention Risks
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A sound pre-admission screening process is critical to minimizing liability associated with improper resident placement and retention decisions.
Staffing levels are one of the most tangible measures of quality care but often fall well below the expectations of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Advanced Practice Providers: Policy Protocol and Contract Issues
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This edition of inBrief is designed to encourage and facilitate focused review of organizational policies clinical protocols and contractual provisions to ensure they address patient safety concerns and liability exposures associated with the expanding functions of NPs and PAs.
Enhancing Floor Safety: Slip Resistance Maintenance & Risk
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Slips and falls can happen anywhere. Whether it's a visitor customer or your employee what matters most is that you implement a prevention program to increase safety and reduce liability exposures.