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Healthcare Capabilities Brochure
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The Healthcare Capabilities Brochure provides an overview of CNA's tailored coverages for aging services, allied healthcare facilities, physicians and more.
Healthcare Claims Capabilities
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CNA's Healthcare Claims professionals use experience from the medical and legal professions to provide superior technical expertise and outstanding customer service.
Risk Control Services for Healthcare Organizations and Providers
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CNA's dedicated Healthcare Risk Control team understands the challenges faced in the healthcare industry. Learn more about the Healthcare solutions CNA provides.
Home Healthcare Hazards: Reducing Exposure
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This edition of Home Care Briefing examines the home healthcare hazards compromise client care and subject workers to more frequent and severe injuries as compared to other providers who work in more controlled healthcare settings.
Healthcare Risk Exposures Infographic
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CNA has developed this infographic to display top claim allegations in the healthcare industry and how these risk exposures can be mitigated.
Violence Prevention in a Home Healthcare
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This edition of Home Care Briefing reviews violence prevention in the home healthcare setting as well as risk management recommendations to mitigate risks.
Allied Healthcare Facilities Sell Sheet
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In a rapidly changing allied healthcare industry, your clients face abundant challenges and need relevant insurance coverages that help address their exposures.
Home Healthcare: A Risk Management Overview
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This edition of Home Care Briefing examines the basics of home healthcare risk management focusing on topics such as hiring employment policies standard of care and scope of practice considerations environmental safety and workplace violence.
Physicians Allied Healthcare Facilities Sell Sheet
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Our understanding of healthcare, terminology and practices – and our expertise in litigating these claims – helps us work with policyholders to develop effective strategies for resolving claims.
Home Healthcare: Common Exposures and Effective Mitigations
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This edition of Vantage Point offers various risk management suggestions for home healthcare providers, ranging from practice guidelines to hazard assessment procedures to security measures for both patients/residents and caregivers.
Ridesharing Services: Healthcare Risk Management Perspective
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This edition of AlertBulletin examines ridesharing related risks within the healthcare context and offers guidelines to help ensure that patients and aging services facility residents are transported in a safe reliable manner.
Electronic Healthcare Records: Maximize Benefits Minimize Risks
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Electronic healthcare records (EHRs) have revolutionized the practice of medicine creating the potential for significant improvements in patient safety clinical teamwork and operational efficiency.
Emergency preparedness planning should be a core component of every healthcare setting's risk management program.
Allied Healthcare Facilities Successes
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We offer more than just a policy – we deliver distinctive insurance solutions and promise a superior customer experience.
Adolescent Patients: Safeguards Protect Rights
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This edition of Healthcare Perspective examines some of the more common issues relative to adolescent care including parent/guardian consent requirements and exceptions privacy rights of minors and confidentiality protections when transferring their healthcare information records.
Our collaboration with Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO) provides valuable medication safety content designed to help healthcare professionals follow safe medication practices and keep patients safe.
Venipuncture Safety: Evaluating Key Policies and Procedures
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This edition of inBrief® offers a venipuncture safety checklist designed for use by both healthcare organizations and clinicians.
COVID-19: Achieving Recovery Through Risk Management
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This Special Resource serves as a reference for healthcare organizations seeking to evaluate risk exposures associated with COVID-19.
Contractual Risks: Understanding Indemnification and Subrogation
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Via third-party contracts many healthcare organizations outsource a wide range of clinical, technical and administrative functions.
COVID-19 Vaccination Program Planning Resource
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This Special Resource serves as a reference for healthcare organizations seeking to evaluate risk exposures associated with COVID-19.
This edition of Vantage Point® list common types of acquired infections and discusses the four cornerstones of an effective infection control program.
Use this guide to help quantify your facilities’ freeze risk and to implement preventative measures to keep your key fire protection systems operating as intended during the cold weather months.
Crisis Management: Responding Effectively to Media Inquiries
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This edition of AlertBulletin is designed to help healthcare leaders communicate in a clear accurate and timely manner during a crisis.
Device and Drug Recalls: Enhancing Preparedness Reducing Risk
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This edition of inBrief presents a self-assessment guide to help healthcare facilities evaluate their degree of readiness for negotiating recall situations.
Resident Patient Handling: Creating Effective Safety Program
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This edition of AlertBulletin® examines the issue of manual lifting and handling techniques are a major source of risk for healthcare organizations.
Telemedicine: Risk Management Issues Strategies and Resources
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This edition of Healthcare Perspective outlines strategies designed to enhance clinical operational and technical processes associated with the provision of telemedicine/telehealth (TMH).
This edition of Vantage Point presents a variety of strategies intended to help healthcare settings of every type improve clinical integration following consolidation.
This month's InBrief® discusses several risk management strategies to detect and prevent professional misconduct and abuse within Allied Healthcare facilities.
Remote Patient Monitoring: Five Basic Risk-reduction Strategies
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This edition of AlertBulletin® focuses on five risk control strategies to help healthcare organizations and provider protect themselves against RPM-related liabilities.
AlertBulletin: Clinical Use of Smartphones: Ten Major Risks
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This issue examines 10 of the most common and potentially serious risks associated with the use of personal mobile devices in the healthcare setting and offers suggestions designed to mitigate these exposures.
Cybersecurity: Protect Patients by Preventing Data Breaches
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This inBrief explains how every healthcare facility must be vigilant in guarding against data breaches and system infiltrations, which can endanger both patient confidentiality and safety.
Extreme Weather Events: Take Steps Now to Address a Growing Risk
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This edition of CNA's AllertBulletinAlertBulletin® explains as the earth's climate becomes less stable, weather-related disasters proliferate and consequent risk exposures increase for all types of healthcare facilities.
Multi-generational Communication
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This edition of AlertBulletin® examines the issue of age-related diversity in a healthcare context. It offers three basic strategies designed to keep a multi-generational workforce informed connected and engaged.
Evolving Models of Care: New Delivery Methods Present New Risks
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This edition of Vantage Point® identifies the elements of new healthcare delivery methods, describes the benefits and risks of these innovations, and suggests strategies designed to protect patients/residents and reduce liability exposure.
Patient Safety Data: A Guide to Preventing Unwanted Disclosure
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Quality and safety improvement in healthcare settings depends upon candid discussion of process problems provider misjudgments staff miscommunications adverse events near misses and other lapses.
Aging Services Sell Sheet
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CNA is a trusted leader and top-five underwriter of healthcare insurance products. Our experience and dedication has earned us the status of "preferred provider" with LeadingAge and the Assisted Living Federation of America.
Scope of Practice Changes: Ten Keys to Safer Delegation
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This edition of Vantage Point provides a decision-making framework, organized around 10 questions, to help administrators, healthcare providers or practice leaders identify and address risks associated with SOP and delegation standards.
Patient Noncompliance: Better Communication Means Lower Risk
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Patient noncompliance including missed appointments cancelled procedures rejection of prescribed therapies frequent changing of providers and unbought or unused medications can contribute to patient injury in every type of healthcare setting.
As part of our mission to educate our insureds and the healthcare industry at large, we are pleased to present our fourth physical therapy closed claim report.
Test Result Management: Toward a Systematic Reporting Process
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This edition of AlertBulletin® offers seven strategies to help healthcare facilities and providers enhance the efficiency of their laboratory test reporting and follow-up procedures, as well as a range of practical risk management strategies.
Pediatric Acute Care: A Systematic Approach to Error Reduction
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This edition of Vantage Point® offers strategies to help pediatricians hospitalists nurses and other healthcare providers and administrators identify major sources of harm prevent common pediatric safety lapses and recognize critical situations.
Ethical Marketing: Minimizing the Risks of False Advertising
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This Home Care Briefing® examines some of the legal and regulatory concepts governing healthcare advertising and offers basic guidelines for minimizing marketing-related risks.
Documentation Deficiencies: Better Records Mean Stronger Defense
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Sound documentation is an essential risk management tool for aging services organizations enhancing both quality of care and legal defensibility. The healthcare information record serves first and foremost as the foundation for communication among providers and caregivers over time.
Artificial Intelligence: Examining Five Key Sources of Liability
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) a term encompassing such concepts as machine learning pattern recognition natural language processing robotics and neural networks designed to replicate human thought processes has become a driving force within the healthcare information technology field.
Healthcare Email Preference Center
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At CNA, we are committed to providing our customers with industry-specific resources related to emerging trends, risk mitigation and other topics of interest. Please subscribe to receive communications on the resources most relevant to your organization’s success.
Pharmacist Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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In collaboration with our partners at Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO) we at CNA insure more than 80000 pharmacists in a wide variety of pharmacy settings. We are pleased to present our second pharmacist closed claims report.
Aging Services Claim Report 2018
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The Aging Services 2018 Claim Report is designed to encourage change in this critical segment of the healthcare industry. The report focuses on fall- and pressure injury-related claims which despite risk-reduction efforts continue to be the two major sources of professional liability.
Contracts: Practices and Provisions to Manage Liability Risks
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Carefully written and reviewed contracts can help prevent misunderstandings in business agreements strengthen partner-ships and enhance legal defensibility in the event of litigation.
Record Retention Policies: Evaluating Compliance Mitigating Risk
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This issue of InBrief explores record retention policies. Formal record retention policies and procedures demonstrate a systematic and organized approach to information storage. In addition they can help enhance compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Informed Consent and Refusal: A Guide to the Fundamentals
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Informed consent (IC) is a two-way educational and communication process intended to prevent patients from being treated without their permission and understanding.