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Accountants Professional Liability SORCE On Demand
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In this course, participants will learn about key professional liability risk management practices that, when implemented, can help mitigate the risk of an accounting malpractice liability claim and may also help improve business performance.
Accountants Professional Liability Severity Drivers
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In claims where CNA made an indemnity payment of $1,000,000 or more in the last 20 years, the following were repeated commonalities and contributing drivers to why these claims result in large payments.
Nurse Professional Liability Exposure Claim Report: 4th Edition
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In collaboration with our business partners at Nurses Service Organization (NSO) CNA is the leading professional liability insurer of nurses. CNA and NSO are proud to offer this fourth comprehensive analysis of professional liability risks encountered by nurses.
CNA and NSO are proud to offer this fifth comprehensive analysis of professional liability risks encountered by NPs. Our goal is to help NPs enhance their practice and minimize professional liability exposure.
If lawyers seek to continue to practice law they must devote time and resources to instituting sound banking and trust accounting procedures and supervising the parties entrusted with the authority to handle client funds.
Dental Professional Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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The partnership between CNA and the Dentist’s Advantage program presents our second dental closed claim report to help dentists enhance their practice and minimize professional liability.
Management Liability Claims Scenarios
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When claims occur, our experienced Claims professionals understand the nuances of management liability and use industry-leading technical expertise to deliver outstanding customer service.
Counselor Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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This report will help counselors enhance their practice and minimize professional liability exposure by identifying loss patterns and trends.
Our collaboration with Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO) provides valuable medication safety content designed to help healthcare professionals follow safe medication practices and keep patients safe.
Epack 3 - Private Company Directors & Officers Liability
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CNA’s Private Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability insurance is designed to protect the company and the people who lead it, addressing claims arising from their decisions and actions.
Our third report on physical therapy risk exposures based on CNA/HPSO closed claims.
This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses the potential exposures and best practices for lawyers to consider to avoid stumbling into an unintended client engagement.
As part of our mission to educate our insureds and the healthcare industry at large, we are pleased to present our fourth physical therapy closed claim report.
Billing Blues: Best Business Practices for Fee Collection
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As attorneys we routinely litigate arbitrate and negotiate on behalf of our clients. With regularity we analyze synthesize and scrutinize certain facts precedent and regulations. Managing accounts receivable however seems to befuddle the best of us.
Best Practices for Law Firms During a Pandemic
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Law firms can limit their exposure to professional liability and other claims by identifying and responding to key issues that may arise during the COVID-19 crisis.
This edition of AlertBulletin offers practical suggestions intended to help organizations maximize the productivity of temporary exmployees, while minimizing associated professional liability exposures.
Trustees and Investing: Best Practices to Avoid Liability
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The responsibility of being a trustee carries with it multiple duties. This article includes a list of the most common trustee duties.
Aging Services Claim Report 2018
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The Aging Services 2018 Claim Report is designed to encourage change in this critical segment of the healthcare industry. The report focuses on fall- and pressure injury-related claims which despite risk-reduction efforts continue to be the two major sources of professional liability.
Epack 3 - Crime
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Our Epack 3 (EP3) policy was designed to provide clear solutions for complex management liability risks, with compartmentalized coverage options that work together and don't overlap.
Pharmacist Liability Claim Report: 2nd Edition
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In collaboration with our partners at Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO) we at CNA insure more than 80000 pharmacists in a wide variety of pharmacy settings. We are pleased to present our second pharmacist closed claims report.
Staffing levels are one of the most tangible measures of quality care but often fall well below the expectations of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Evolving Models of Care: New Delivery Methods Present New Risks
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This edition of Vantage Point® identifies the elements of new healthcare delivery methods, describes the benefits and risks of these innovations, and suggests strategies designed to protect patients/residents and reduce liability exposure.
Negotiated Risk Agreements: When and How Should They Be Used?
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Negotiated risk agreements (NRAs) have become an increasingly popular means of managing potential liability while accommodating resident preferences.
Wire Transfer Fraud: A Growing Threat to Law Firms
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Lawyers in any area of practice may fall victim to wire transfer fraud and must often serve as their own risk managers in managing their professional practices.
Healthcare Claims Capabilities
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CNA's Healthcare Claims professionals use experience from the medical and legal professions to provide superior technical expertise and outstanding customer service.
Artificial Intelligence: Examining Five Key Sources of Liability
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) a term encompassing such concepts as machine learning pattern recognition natural language processing robotics and neural networks designed to replicate human thought processes has become a driving force within the healthcare information technology field.
Law Firm Data Breaches: A Legal Snapshot
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Countless firms have suffered data breaches; beyond initial headlines early settlements and sealed records have left a paucity of case law governing post-breach liability. Many attorneys are left to wonder about the aftermath of data breach and potential exposure in an area evolving and unsettled.
How Allied Vendors Help Streamline Firm Operations
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This edition of Professional Counsel addresses CNA's Lawyers Allied Vendor Program which offers solutions to help law firms navigate some of the challenges of managing a law firm as both a client service and a business.
Smartphones and Social Media: Tips on Preventing Staff Misuse
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This edition of Alertbulletin® examines three major types of liability - privacy breaches, unauthorized social media posting and data spoliation claims - that may arise from unapproved technology use in the residential care setting.
This Professional Counsel® shows that by embracing succession planning as a strategic imperative, firms can position themselves for growth, resilience, preparedness for unforeseen events, and continued excellence in serving their clients.
Employers can take steps to mitigate risks of negligent entrustment by ensuring the individuals they hire to operate vehicles are qualified, competent and responsible drivers
Multinational Claims Capabilities
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CNA’s team of multinational Claims professionals ensures that you and your business receive a seamless claim-handling experience.
This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses the recent changes to Model Rule 1.16 to benefit lawyers and the public by clarifying the nature and scope of lawyers' existing due diligence obligations.
This edition of Professional Counsel® delves into the ethical considerations attorneys must contemplate when accepting cryptocurrency as payment for legal services.
Creating a File Retention and Destruction Policy
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Lawyers and law firms must manage an increasing amount of data both physical and digital over a vast array of evolving devices and media. Download CNA's PROfessional Counsel guide to learn more about how to implement a Records Management Plan (RMP).
Top 10 Risk Control Tips to Avoid Wire Fraud Scams
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This edition of Professional Counsel® discusses the ten measures law firms can implement to protect themselves, their clients, and third parties from wire transfer fraud.
A Bad Economy Increases Risks for Lawyers
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Professional Counsel addresses that law firms must remember the fiduciary duties owed to clients, the ethical duties imposed upon them by the Rules of Professional Conduct, and best practices for avoiding claims.
In this Professional Counsel®, CNA has developed this guide to assist attorneys in creating documents that will enable them to better manage their interactions with potential and actual clients.
Aging Services Claim Report: 11th Edition
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The Aging Services Claim Report includes data analysis, key findings and claim scenarios to help raise awareness of potential risk factors, as well as practical risk management considerations to help mitigate sources of potential liability.
Residents with Serious Mental Illness: Addressing Common Risks
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This month's Carefully Speaking® outlines strategies that can help administrators enhance quality of care, reduce liability exposure, and help mental health residents achieve a more secure and stable existence.
Occupational Therapy Claim Report
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This resource features analysis of closed malpractice claim data, incident scenarios and risk control recommendations addressing major areas of vulnerability for occupational therapy professionals.
Phishing Attacks Use Bar Complaints and HIPAA Audits as Bait
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Attorneys have access to sensitive information and large sums of money, and although they are experts in many areas, they are seldom on the cutting edge of technology. It should come as no surprise, then, that a growing number of email scams are targeting attorneys and other similar professionals.
Stemming the Tide of Incivility in the Practice of Law
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This edition of Professional Counsel(r) addresses incivility and what lawyers can do to minimize the uncivil behavior that has become all too pervasive.
Expecting the Unexpected: Succession Planning for Lawyers
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How would your law practice fare if you disappeared tomorrow? Is there a plan in place that would permit an associate or colleague to address client and office needs or would they be left hopelessly digging through unmarked stacks of paper and scribbled notes?
School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) Catalog
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Learn about CNA's School of Risk Control Excellence (SORCE) online and onsite resources to help your clients manage their exposures.
Risk Control Capabilities Brochure
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An overview of available tools, services and expertise to help mitigate risk.
Healthcare Capabilities Brochure
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The Healthcare Capabilities Brochure provides an overview of CNA's tailored coverages for aging services, allied healthcare facilities, physicians and more.
Alert: New Scam Targeting Lawyers Wiring Funds
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Lawyers should beware of a sophisticated new hacking scam the FBI refers to as Business E-mail Compromise. Lawyers in multiple states have recently reported being victimized by this scam.
Second Chances Abound: Opportunities for Correcting Certain Omissions and Mistakes in Tax Elections
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This edition of In Practice...with CNA addresses tax laws and regulations and risk management tips to avoid election deadlines or managing filing errors.
You Missed a Deadline??? How to Avoid That Nightmare
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This edition of In Practice...with CNA, discusses the substantial risks that exist for law firms that fail to diligently monitor case dockets, read court orders and adhere to filing deadlines.