CNA understands that businesses are facing significant obstacles and may find it difficult to immediately pay insurance premiums. To address this situation and ensure continued coverage, we’re taking action to support our property and casualty policyholders.

CNA’s priority is to remain available and provide a consistent level of service to help you continue business.
Business Interruption Coverage Information
Many property insurance policies issued by the CNA insurance companies include business interruption coverage. Because coverage varies across policies, you will need to read your policy and consult with your insurance broker or agent for more specific information.
California Senate Bill 1159 Notice
This law, effective immediately, clarifies the disputable presumption that illness or death related to COVID-19 is an occupational injury and therefore eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. To facilitate an employer’s obligation to report, CNA has created a form and established a dedicated mailbox for employers to send the required notice.
District of Columbia: Notice to Policyholders
In accordance with Commissioner’s Order 03-2020, for the duration of the Public Health Emergency as declared by Mayor Bowser, CNA is suspending cancellations for nonpayment of premium and waiving late and installment fees for District of Columbia property and casualty policyholders.
New Jersey: Notice to Policyholders
In accordance with Governor Murphy’s Executive Order No. 123 and Insurance Bulletin 20-15, issued by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, New Jersey policyholders facing financial hardship due to COVID-19 are entitled to a 90-day premium grace period.
New York: Notice to Policyholders
On March 10, 2020, New York State’s Department of Financial Services issued an instruction to all authorized property/casualty insurers requesting that they inform policyholders of the benefits and protections that may be available to them in connection with COVID-19.
Washington: Notice to Policyholders
On March 25, 2020, Washington State’s Office of Insurance Commissioner issued an instruction to all authorized property/casualty insurers requesting that they inform policyholders of the benefits and protections that may be available to them in connection with COVID-19.
Business Interruption Coverage Information
Many property insurance policies issued by the CNA insurance companies include business interruption coverage. Because coverage varies across policies, you will need to read your policy and consult with your insurance broker or agent for more specific information.