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Texas Healthcare Network (HCN)

CNA is committed to customer savings and service, and accordingly offers its insured employers, having locations in network service areas, the option to participate in the Texas Health Care Network (HCN) program. CNA has selected the Coventry Workers' Comp Network for delivery of the HCN based upon its demonstrated effectiveness in treating and managing occupational injuries and illnesses.

HB-7 authorizes employers and insurers who have designated a certified Health Care Network (HCN) to direct injured employees to the HCN for workers' compensation-related medical care. Proper implementation of the HCN by the employer results in improved medical provider control from the onset of a claim. Injured employees must select their treating doctor from the network, which is in marked contrast to the previous system. Network coverage will have many other advantages, including the ability to:

  • Monitor network doctors for appropriateness of treatment based on results.
  • Make referrals to appropriate medical specialists for specific injuries.
  • Use evidence based treatment guidelines for improved return-to-work results.

Employer Responsibilities for Implementation

Employers must provide employees with notice of the network requirements at the time of network selection or within three days of new employee hire, and at the time of injury. This notice is required in English and Spanish, or any other language common to employees. Employers must also obtain a signed acknowledgement form and maintain a copy or record to verify delivery. If an employee refuses to sign the acknowledgement, he or she will still be required to comply with the network requirements.

In order to assist with implementation, we have developed an employer PowerPoint presentation that we suggest you present to your employees in a meeting setting. At the same time, you can hand out the employee notice of network requirements and employee acknowledgement form and collect and record signed employee acknowledgement forms. Please refer to our network tools for this and other information that you can download or print directly from this site.

Network Tools



For additional information, please contact your client service director or your underwriter.



Workers' Compensation Medical Provider Networks

California Medical Provider Network (MPN)



Workers’ Compensation Claim Kit

Report Claim Fraud

Claim Wallet Card